
Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Neuro Linguistic Programming Evident In Conversation

The foremost conversation I witnessed took place in an drome among what seemed to be dickens married couples standing in the waiting line for the flight check in. I concentrated on the deuce women as opposed to the cardinal men for the unreserved actor they seemed to be communicating (verbally) more(prenominal) than the men and I felt I could gain more material from them. The first thing I find was their rapport. I did not impart hold of to live on what their topic was to understand they were two on the same(p) wavelength and in cease compact with distributively new(prenominal). Their bodily stances were two very loose and non aggressive and their hand movements whilst quite dynamical were relaxed and seemed to mimic to from each one one otheryou could say they were like two birds (forgive the pun) flapping their travel in harmony. They seemed to be leaning more and more towards each other and maintained a promising eye penetrate throughout the conversation. Also, they were both nodding in what seemed to be agreement with what the other person was saying. They were clearly at ease with each other.
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Their langu years use was very sympathetic and I noticed throughout the conversation a restate visual swear when they said, I see what you mean We could withal see that their beliefs were equivalent in that they were agreeing with each other in their elect topic, as they were the same age this whitethorn be overdue to them being around the same age and perhaps had a like upbringing and education leading them to form those similar values and or beliefs. One could over ly suggest that they both showed congruence ! in their language (verbal and non verbal). I noticed that the two women due to their openness and chatty temper may alike be like this with other mint, (even people they dont know them) leading me to believe they may have been as Jung would say two examples of extrovert natures. The s conversation I witnessed was in a coffee discover between what seemed to be a boyfriend and girlfriend. This was an altogether several(predicate) scenario, one a propagate less pleasant...If you want to get a full essay, orderliness it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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