
Sunday, January 5, 2014


In the northern sector of South America lies a plain rich in raw(a) resources ranging from their famous coffee channelize to their beautiful emeralds, Columbia is a unpolished nestled amidst the Panama Canal and Brazil, its almost two valuate the size of Texas and has a population of about 44,000,000. Colombia has many inseparable resources and is in a great position to trade. Even though the awkward has a 12% unemployment rate, it thrives in agriculture and trade. The res publica is also plentiful in many other resources; roughly of their other major agricultural assets include cut flowers, bananas, and mystic br cause beans. The Colombian cut flower assiduity has become their ordinal largest earner from foreign exchange, only later coffee, and bananas. The production started splendid but Columbia is now the assist largest exporter of cut flowers. another(prenominal) very principal(prenominal) part of Columbias resources is their banana industry. Bananas in Colombia are on par in financial value of value to the country with coffee and cut flowers. In Columbia, banana crops occupy about 7 percent of from each one ingrained fruit crops, bearing almost $450 million to the country in 2000. Coffee from Columbia is another key sentiment of the countrys economy. Colombia produces about 12% of all the coffee in the world, and is second only to Brazil.
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In summary, coffee, bananas, and cut flowers are all essential to Colombias economy. Although the flower, banana, and coffee industries are very important to Columbia, some other key products include rice, tobacco, corn, sugarcane, oilseed, veg! etables, wood products, and shrimp. Together, these products bring Columbia a lot of business and trade, particularly sugarcane and tobacco. Even though both markets have recently been passing play down in production, over the historic period they have be worthwhile. Overall, Columbia has many valuable resources and uses as many of them as possible when trading with other countries. In addition to their own self-containing industries, Columbia is involved...If you want to get a full essay, modulate it on our website: OrderCustomPaper.com

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